Language Policy: The challenge of negotiating both local and global language needs simultaneously
1.主講人:Stephen May (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
2對話人:David Johnson (University of Iowa, the U.S.)
08:00-08:15 Introduction Li Xuan & He Xinyu
08:15-09:15 Lecture Stephen May
09:15-10:00 Interview David Johnson and Stephen May
10:00-10:30 Q&A All Participants
1. 主講人簡介
Stephen May is Professor of Education in Te Puna Wānanga (School of Māori and Indigenous Education) in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is an international authority on language rights, language policy, bilingualism and bilingual education and critical multicultural approaches to education. Additional research interests are in the wider politics of multiculturalism, ethnicity and nationalism, social theory (particularly the work of Bourdieu), sociolinguistics, and critical ethnography.
Stephen has published over 100 articles and book chapters in these areas, along with 27 books, including the award-winning Language and minority rights (2nd ed., 2012) and The multilingual turn (2014). His most recent books are Critical ethnography and education: Theory, methodology and ethics (2022, Routledge, with Katie Fitzpatrick) and Critical ethnography, language, race/ism and education (2022, Multilingual Matters, with Blanca Caldas). Stephen is Editor-in-Chief of the 10-volume Encyclopaedia of Language and Education (3rd ed., 2017, Springer), and founding co-editor of the journal Ethnicities (Sage). He is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and of the Royal Society of New Zealand (FRSNZ).
His homepage is http://www.education.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/stephen-may
2. 主報告提要
In this presentation, I will explore debates within both language policy and political theory that privilege national languages, as well as the rise of English as a world language, and related discourses of globalization, cosmopolitan identities and social mobility via access to English. These debates tend to emphasize the benefits of social inclusion (via a shared language) and individual mobility (via the dominant national language) and invariably end up presenting often-sceptical discussions about bi/multilingual public policy. Along the way, concern is regularly expressed about whether the promotion of bi/multilingual policies, including the recognition of Indigenous and other local languages, might delimit the individual rights, (language) choice, and social and economic mobility of individuals, while, more broadly, undermining social and political cohesion.
Having critically examined these arguments, I will conclude by offering an alternative position in favour of public multilingualism – albeit established and regulated within clear parameters. I will argue that such a position provides not only greater opportunities for linguistic justice at the level of the nation-state but also facilitates both inclusion and mobility, particularly for Indigenous and other non-dominant language speakers, in an increasingly globalized world dominated by English.
3. 相關閱讀材料
(1)May, S. (2014) Contesting public monolingualism and diglossia: Rethinking political theory and language policy for a multilingual world. Language Policy 13, 4, 371-393.
(2)May, S. (2015). The problem with English(es) and linguistic (in)justice. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18, 2, 131-148.
(3)Van Parijs, P. (2011). Linguistic justice for Europe and for the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.